Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Do you have an Unspoken Dream?

Unspoken Dream By: AJ Brown

What is a dream? By definition it describes the feelings one has during a sleep cycle. It's not very poetic but I believe the public has romanced it a bit, to something you want or desire.

People have those kind of dreams everyday. A young girl in her twenties may dream of love and a family. Or someone older may dream about retirement or something to that matter.

My two characters Samantha & Jonathan both have dreams of their own but the funny thing is they don't realize they have the same dream, each other.

Growing up they always had a connection. But it wasn't till they were adults and had a son did they realize how strong their love for each other really was.


  1. This book looks very sweet. Awesome! Congrats to you.

    1. Thanks Brenda, I hope to start posting more :)

  2. Yay. I'm glad we're learning a little more about Samantha and Jonathan, AJ. I'm looking forward to the book coming out. :)

  3. I can't wait till it comes out either...Don't know when yet but hopefully in the soon future :)
