Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Joys of the Holiday Season
 Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving Eve. It's that time year again where all the hustle and bustle is all around. The shopping and Christmas lights will be out soon. How do you enjoy the holiday season? Baking cookies? Spending time with loved ones? Or watching Hallmark on the weekends?

I personally like the smells. I love the smell of cinnamon spice. When it fills my nose it brings me back to all the past Thanksgivings and Christmas where my Grandparents used to visit and we would go get a tree and spend all night listening to Christmas songs and decorating the tree. Now I know tomorrow is Thanksgiving but that is one of the things I am thankful for are the memories of past holidays. Other things include my family and life in general.

What do you think of when you walk into a store and you smell a scent or see a decoration? Do you remember when or just smile? I think remembering past holidays help with the new ones. I know this time of year I do that.

Well here's a holiday wish from AJ Brown, I hope you have a wonderful and memorable Holiday season this year and may you find joy and harmony in what ever you do...

Till next time Happy Reading :)

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