Monday, November 18, 2013

Unspoken Dream fun fact of the Day

Have you ever had a dream job? One that you had since you were little? Well I did, growing up I always wanted to be a journalist. In Unspoken Dream Samantha takes a job with The New York Times. And she spends eight years living my dream. As a little girl I always wanted to go somewhere important like that. So Samantha lives that day everyday. Finding stories telling them and by the time she goes back home for the first time she is the head of her department.

Unspoken Dream is more than a book, it is a story of all sorts of dreams that came true for my characters and some dreams that didn't. When it comes out, I hope you buy it just to see how does Samantha make her ultimate dream come true or does it come true at all....

Till next time, happy reading
AJ Brown

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