Saturday, November 30, 2013

Today's Munch of The Day!

Today's Munch of The Day !

So there's only a few days left of November. What runs through your mind? A count down to Christmas? What am I going to get for gifts? Or where did the year go?

Me personally think of the last question. Where did 2013 go? It seems like we get busier and busier each passing year. And we forget to smell the roses. We forget to turn off our cell phones and take in what we have. Family, friends, happiness and such. I used to have my phone on me like it was glued to my leg. But now I'm lucky if I can find it. I think technology is a must but I think when it over takes your life and you can't even communicate unless it's by text, don't we need to re-evaluate things? I look at my horses everyday and wonder how it would feel to be them. Eating hay all day and running when ever I want. It's funny really that the more busy the world gets I enjoy the solitude of my little ranch.

Remember my dear friends, throughout the Christmas Season, to take the time and smell the roses. It's not what we have but the people we share what we have with that matters. Love one another and remember that that is the most important gift of all is love. The phones, T.V.'s, Computers, and game stations break very easily but the time we spend with our loved ones just hanging out and laughing together is priceless and it will never break :)

Till next time my friends, happy Reading,

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Joys of the Holiday Season
 Good Morning and Happy Thanksgiving Eve. It's that time year again where all the hustle and bustle is all around. The shopping and Christmas lights will be out soon. How do you enjoy the holiday season? Baking cookies? Spending time with loved ones? Or watching Hallmark on the weekends?

I personally like the smells. I love the smell of cinnamon spice. When it fills my nose it brings me back to all the past Thanksgivings and Christmas where my Grandparents used to visit and we would go get a tree and spend all night listening to Christmas songs and decorating the tree. Now I know tomorrow is Thanksgiving but that is one of the things I am thankful for are the memories of past holidays. Other things include my family and life in general.

What do you think of when you walk into a store and you smell a scent or see a decoration? Do you remember when or just smile? I think remembering past holidays help with the new ones. I know this time of year I do that.

Well here's a holiday wish from AJ Brown, I hope you have a wonderful and memorable Holiday season this year and may you find joy and harmony in what ever you do...

Till next time Happy Reading :)

Monday, November 25, 2013


What does Thanksgiving mean to you? Do you enjoy one specific thing about Thanksgiving like the Family coming for a big turkey or the food or even watching football all day long?

People celebrate Thanksgiving in their own ways. But the one common factor is thanks and family. The one day that people put aside their differences and just join together to give thanks for what they have.

I think Thanksgiving should be everyday but just like Christmas it just comes once a year. But wouldn't it be interesting to see how the world would work if we said thank you for something once a day. Not that people don't have manners. But to take a few minutes and look at our lives and be thankful for what we do have and not get angry at what we don't have.

I know I sound like I'm rambling but Family is important, giving Thanks is important. It would just be a neat experiment to see how the world would be if we paid more attention to both not just once a year but every day.

Till next time,
Happy Thanksgiving,

Monday, November 18, 2013

Unspoken Dream fun fact of the Day

Have you ever had a dream job? One that you had since you were little? Well I did, growing up I always wanted to be a journalist. In Unspoken Dream Samantha takes a job with The New York Times. And she spends eight years living my dream. As a little girl I always wanted to go somewhere important like that. So Samantha lives that day everyday. Finding stories telling them and by the time she goes back home for the first time she is the head of her department.

Unspoken Dream is more than a book, it is a story of all sorts of dreams that came true for my characters and some dreams that didn't. When it comes out, I hope you buy it just to see how does Samantha make her ultimate dream come true or does it come true at all....

Till next time, happy reading
AJ Brown

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 1 Of Trivia: Who are Jonathan and Samantha?

Have you ever had a friendship that even if you didn't talked anymore you treasured? I did/do. Growing up, I was told if you have one good friend you had a pot of gold. In my book Unspoken Dream I taped into a friendship I had growing up. The love that Samantha and Jonathan feel are the feelings of a woman in love. I have those feelings because of my husband. Even though Jonathan and Samantha are fictional, the feelings of friendship and love are real. Don't people say the best book is the book of inspiration of real life events....

If you liked day 1 of Trivia come back tomorrow and find out more...I'll be doing fun games like this till you can read Unspoken Dream yourself...Happy reading,

AJ Brown

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Do you have an Unspoken Dream?

Unspoken Dream By: AJ Brown

What is a dream? By definition it describes the feelings one has during a sleep cycle. It's not very poetic but I believe the public has romanced it a bit, to something you want or desire.

People have those kind of dreams everyday. A young girl in her twenties may dream of love and a family. Or someone older may dream about retirement or something to that matter.

My two characters Samantha & Jonathan both have dreams of their own but the funny thing is they don't realize they have the same dream, each other.

Growing up they always had a connection. But it wasn't till they were adults and had a son did they realize how strong their love for each other really was.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What makes us Unique???

What makes a person unique?

Sometimes random questions pop into my head. Tonight it's that one "What makes a person unique?" Is it hair color? Eye color or even color of their skin? Or could it be personalities or life experiences? The fact is for every person they have something that makes them who they are. For writers I think we are unique because of our story telling. It doesn't matter how many times I write a story if it's not what it needs to be my brain keeps rewriting it till it's right. It's like my book Unspoken Dream for example. I wrote that story when I was a teenager and my close friend and I were going down two different paths. I thought by writing a fictional book where our friendship became more it would help me move on with my life. Then when life happened I forgot about the story completely. It wasn't till my husband had gone on an emergency trip to his mother that I found the story and dabbled with it. The second version was of course better because it was written from an adults point of view but it still was not right. It wasn't till meeting my new friends and them giving me advice on how to write better did I realize what I needed to do to make Unspoken Dream real.

Even though we are all different, I think in one way or another we are connected. We as people have certain things that make us the people we are today but when put together with other people weather they are different or similar we make each other stronger.

That's why I believe we should always be there for each other. I know I would not be the person I am today if it wasn't for my life choices and the people in my life. For example my husband I have known for almost three years has made me realize I should go for my dreams. My new friends make me realize everyday that my dreams can come true if I believe hard enough and put the work into it. My children bring me so much joy when they give me hugs and kisses and tell me for no reason at all "Your the best Mom". Because I am only human I know and I make mistakes at times. But to know my children and husband love me anyways makes me unique.

I don't know if any of this makes sense. But if you take anything from this blog, it's don't be afraid to be different. Because your difference will help someone some day :)

Till next time keep :)

Rough Hewn II: Escape

So Who has heard of Nadia Kilrick? Well if you have you are one step in the right direction. Did you ever wonder what makes Nadia who she is, what she does? Well She did an interview for her book II of the Rough Hewn trilogy. I have only known Nadia for a short time but what I know is she is a great person to have around. She's not just a great writer but a great person who cares a lot for people. So let's show her how much we care by supporting her with her new book Rough Hewn II: Escape Launch on the 8th of November on Facebook. Nadia is having a party for her new book Rough Hewn II: Escape  at 3pm Central time. Here is the link if you want to help support Nadia.

If you want to know more about Nadia click on this Link where she gives and interview to how she comes up with her ideas, the fun things she does outside of writing. And what makes Nadia Kilrick who she is.

click here to see her trailer of Rough Hewn II: Escape


After watching the Trailer you will be hooked. It is put together in such a way that even though you aren't reading the book yet you feel who the characters are.